PlanMan is a project workflow management application that tracks the progress ofPlanning Proposals from initiation through to forwarding for the issuing of a WorkOrder to implement. PlanMan provides for multiple scenario development and analysis.
During a Planning Proposal's lifecycle PlanMan interfaces with GlS, Finance andHuman Resources Systems. The PlanMan process is:
- Receipt of Request for Planning.
- Auto assignment to Planner (based on geographic area, planner’sworkload,planner’s expertise or other company set criteria).
- Generation of a Planning Proposal.
- Development of Proposal Drawing/s, Bill of Quantities and Bill of Materialwhilst design is being carried out in GlS.
On completion of the Planning Proposal:
- Submission for approval.
- Recording for future funding.
- Filing for bring-up for issue of a Work Order for construction.
- Saving as Scenario 1.
- Modification for production of Scenario's 2, 3 4 etc.
- Selection of the best solution scenario.
- Submission of this scenario as above for approval etc.
- Archiving of the rejected scenarios for future reference.
PlanMan provides both standard and ad hoc reports relating to:
- Overall Planning Proposal Workload.
- Specific Planning Proposals.
- Planning Proposals relating to specified geographical areas.
- Individual planner’s workload.
- Individual planner’s work performance.
These reports can contain details of project labour requirements, material requirements and costs as needed.
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